Dennis H. Cavanaugh has substantial experience assisting clients in developing and protecting their intellectual property assets, including managing international portfolios, supervising enforcement programs, anti-counterfeiting and stopping grey market goods. His representation of multinational companies, entrepreneurs and creative individuals has included brand strategy, licensing, corporate structuring and government regulatory compliance in various countries. He regularly counsels clients on clearing, registering, licensing and expanding their intellectual property assets in the United States and internationally. He has advised clients on copyright, art and right of publicity ownership, use, licensing and infringement. As a litigator, Dennis has tried cases involving copyright and trademark infringement, transnational ownership of businesses and breach of contract.

Dennis often acts as outside general counsel for many clients. This encompasses coordination of local counsel and experts advising on foreign laws and regulations, corporate structuring, immigration, tax planning and compliance with U.S. government compliance, disclosure and requirements, among others.

He has appeared on entertainment and natural products industry panels and acted as a judge in Cardozo Law School’s annual intellectual property moot court competition.

Prior to practicing law, Dennis was an intelligence officer, in which capacity he was responsible for managing multimillion-dollar projects with foreign government officials.

He divides his time between the United States and Europe and is an art collector and performing arts follower.

Dennis is a member of the New York Bar.

Languages: German, Italian, Spanish