Company founders and senior executives face special legal challenges to which we are particularly sensitive.  Founders must sustain their visions while meeting increasing legal demands as they grow their businesses.  We help them through these growing pains by providing clear and pragmatic advice.

Executives have a similar set of unique business and legal concerns.  They must consider many risks and potential conflicts when making business decisions.  Their individual interests need protection when entering into employment and when exiting or changing positions.  We have significant experience in representing senior executives in negotiating both their employment and severance agreements, and in assessing risks of personal liability for various corporate activities.

Among the key services for these clients are:

  • Counsel on business structuring, particularly where there are existing relationships or commitments

  • Preparation and negotiation of employment, independent contractor and severance agreements

  • Counsel on restrictive covenants and non-compete issues

  • Drafting and negotiating confidentiality agreements, non-disclosure agreements, non-competition agreements, disclosure documents and personal guarantees

  • Advice and counsel on termination and separation situations

  • Preparation and negotiation of consulting arrangements, commission agreements and retention agreements

  • Identification of conflicts of interest and fiduciary duties

  • Development and implementation of strategies to avoid breaches of fiduciary duties to partners, employers or others

  • Advice on protection and use of intellectual property and trade secrets

  • Counseling on dealing with corporate opportunities and side businesses

  • Preparation and negotiation of agreements related to acquisitions, sales, divestitures, mergers, joint ventures, financing, licensing, distribution and talent acquisition

  • Advice on individual liability risks and compliance with government regulatory requirements

  • Ongoing advice on business operations

  • Corporate governance advice

  • International transactions counseling

  • Dispute resolution, including advice on mediation and litigation strategies and litigation and arbitration management

More so than for other clients, time is money. Options weighed and decisions made are often done under extreme time pressures. We understand this and stand ready to provide our entrepreneurial and executive clients with timely and precise advice and guidance that they can use at the moment without losing the momentum that is necessary for their continued success.